Local Enterprise Office

Microfinance Ireland works very closely with the Local Enterprise Offices to promote enterprise development and creation and sustainment of jobs. The Local Enterprise Office (LEO) is a first stop shop for small businesses locally.

There are 31 LEOs across the country that provide advice, information and support for people interested in starting up a new business or already in business including entrepreneurs, early stage promoters, start-ups and small business looking to expand.

LEOs can provide loan applicants with considerable support and guidance to prepare a loan application. They also provide ongoing support for approved Microfinance Ireland loan applicants. They can help you with filling out your forms, putting together your cashflows and business plans.

Also, if you apply via your Local Enterprise Office, you will get a discount on your loan interest rate. Our current APR is 6.5%, but if you apply through the LEO you get it for only 5.5%

Click here to find your nearest Local Enterprise Office